Wednesday, July 31, 2013

West Virginia and Maryland

West Virginia

West Virginia is Harper's Ferry. It seems the only reason the Appalachian Trail goes through WV is to see Harper's Ferry. Harper's Ferry is the mental half way point. All hikers that reach this point are asked to stop by the ATC(Appalachian Trail Conservancy) for a nice little photo. I was hiker number 805 to come through. I was told by a ridge runner that 50% of the people that make it to Harper's get off trail from malnutrion alone before reaching Mt Katahdin. This doesn't include injuries, boredom, and the million other reasons to get off. There isn't much walking done in WV. The moment you cross the bridge out of Harper's Ferry you are in Maryland. Oh did I mention I'm halfway there?????


The trail in Maryland goes for thirty some odd miles and has been some of the best walking so far. It features nice flat ground and no hills. The shelters here are prime. Each shelter is given a caretaker and the ones in Maryland must be competing to see who can have the best shelter. Some of the shelters include potted plants, porch swings, firepits surrounded by gravel for easy footing, and even wooden ducks(?). That is Maryland in a nut shell.

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